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Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”


“品茶网络语是什么意思(当地路线使用指南)” Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”

Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives has revised the price target for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) from 0 to 5. The adjustment is to account for the anticipated iPhone 16 supercycle, driven by AI technology. This could potentially add to per share to the stock.What Happened: On Thursday, Ives took to X to announce the price target revision. He attributed the change to the expected surge in iPhone demand, driven by AI technology, within the Apple ecosystem. Ives also highlighted the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference as a pivotal moment for the company."Raising our Apple price target from 0 to 5 to reflect iPhone demand turning the corner into an AI driven iPhone 16 supercycle on the horizon. AI technology built into the Apple ecosystem adds to per share to the stock in our view," wrote Ives.Raising our Apple price target from 0 to 5 to reflect iPhone demand turning the corner into an AI driven iPhone 16 supercycle on the horizon. AI technology built into the Apple ecosystem adds to per share to the stock in our view. WWDC a key moment ahead for — Dan Ives (@DivesTech) May 23, 2024Why It Matters: This announcement comes in the wake of a series of events that have been shaping the narrative around Apple's future. Just a few days ago, Ives had already hinted at a potential turnaround for the tech giant, dubbing it a "Renaissance Of Growth." This was seen as a significant moment for the company, especially ahead of the WWDC.Moreover, Ives had previously pointed out that the "seeds" for Apple's revival in China were being planted, and that patience was required to navigate the temporary weakness. This was seen as a positive sign for the company's future, especially in light of the recent developments.Furthermore, the potential of AI in the tech industry has been a hot topic of discussion. A recent report suggested that AI on iOS could drive higher institutional ownership of Apple's iPhone, potentially leading to a 23.5% upside for the stock. This further underscores the significance of Ives' latest announcement.Meanwhile, Steve Eisman of "The Big Short" fame also highlighted Apple as a "hidden" play in the AI space, further adding to the growing interest in the company's AI potential.Price Action: Apple stock closed at 6.88, down 2.11% for the day, but remains up 0.67% year to date, according to the data from Benzinga Pro.Image Via Shutterstock This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote。




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“青白江星辰半套(暴徒读后感)” 经济日报金观平:发挥重点行业挑大梁作用


  来历 经济日报  国度统计局数据显示、此中重点行业带动感化较着,我国工业经济连结较快增加,4月份。巩固加强工业经济回升向好态势,要继续阐扬重点行业、工业年夜省挑年夜梁感化,稳增加、转体例、增动能,夯实工业“压舱石”。  巩固工业经济回升向好根本,重点在行业。要苏醒熟悉到,对内仍处于布局调剂转型要害期,工业经济外部情势仍然复杂严重,市场经营主体的决定信念和经济回升的动力还需进一步加强。钢铁、电子、汽车等重点行业范围年夜、带动性强、联系关系性高,是支持工业经济稳增加的主要支柱。稳住这些重点行业,就稳住了工业经济。  掌控传统行业转型进级窗口期。一方面,激起新动能;另外一方面,我国已建成万余家数字化车间和智能工场,制造业智能化已挺进深水区,2025年70%以上的规上制造业企业将根基实现数字化、收集化,将晋升传统财产出产效力、释放市场空间,将加快鞭策传统财产转型进级,培养新增加点,工业范畴年夜范围装备更新和消费品以旧换新等政策正在加快落地。从4月份数据看。设备制造、消费品制造等传统行业都阐扬了支持和带动感化,要继续鞭策这些传统财产向高端化、智能化、绿色化迈进。  阐扬新兴财产“领头羊”优势。最近几年来、是培养新质出产力的主要阵地,新兴财产典型产物增势亮眼,高手艺制造业和新兴财产身先士卒。4月份,与绿色成长相干的“新三样”产物销量更是一抹亮色,代表高端化的高手艺制造业继续连结较高增速,智能制造加速成长。要聚焦光伏、新能源汽车、5G这些优势财产。晋升财产质量,铸造一批“杀手锏”手艺,连结并扩年夜领先优势。  加速释放“人工智能+”的变化气力。当前,人工智能是引领新一轮科技革命和财产变化的计谋性手艺,是重点财产高质量成长的主要抓手。以人工智能赋能财产不是要周全开花。而是要面向对国平易近经济影响年夜、带动力强、数字化根本好的重点行业,加速重点行业智能化进级,增强供需对接、利用推行,展开人工智能赋能新型工业化专项步履。  紧抓重点行业、要害还得靠企业。企业稳、财产才能稳。企业是立异主体、要阐扬龙头企业“链主”的领军和生态整合感化,加强企业成长动能,激起企业立异活力,带动培养专精特新中小企业,增进年夜中小企业融通成长。中小企业是国平易近经济的“毛细血管”,是扶植现代化财产系统、推动新型工业化的主要气力。要乘势而上,强化精准高效办事,实现高质量成长,为中小企业营建公允竞争情况,鞭策中小企业向价值链中高端迈进。 .app-kaihu-qr {text-align: center;padding: 20px 0;} .app-kaihu-qr span {font-size: 18px; line-height: 31px;display: block;} .app-kaihu-qr img {width: 170px;height: 170px;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 10px;} 股市回暖,抄底炒股先开户!智能定投、前提单、个股雷达……送给你>>。




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