Mozilla/5.0(compatible;Baiduspider/2.0; 时事|上海车墩日结工一条街_周五盘前12只通讯服务业股票走势




GainersLeafly Holdings (NASDAQ:LFLY) stock rose 22.8% to .48 during Friday's pre-market session. The market value of their outstanding shares is at .8 million. Super League Enterprise (NASDAQ:SLE) shares increased by 10.34% to .28. The market value of their outstanding shares is at .4 million. Treasure Global (NASDAQ:TGL) shares increased by 8.08% to .01. The company's market cap stands at .2 million. Gamer Pakistan (NASDAQ:GPAK) stock moved upwards by 7.07% to {当前调用的句子文本内容}.27. The market value of their outstanding shares is at .8 million. TuanChe (NASDAQ:TC) shares rose 4.34% to .4. The market value of their outstanding shares is at .8 million. Grindr (NYSE:GRND) shares moved upwards by 4.33% to .63. The market value of their outstanding shares is at .6 billion. LosersMoving iMage Technologies (AMEX:MITQ) stock decreased by 14.2% to {当前调用的句子文本内容}.57 during Friday's pre-market session. The company's market cap stands at .8 million. 36KR Holdings (NASDAQ:KRKR) shares fell 13.24% to {当前调用的句子文本内容}.37. The market value of their outstanding shares is at .5 million. GD Culture Group (NASDAQ:GDC) stock declined by 10.46% to {当前调用的句子文本内容}.98. The company's market cap stands at .8 million. Anghami (NASDAQ:ANGH) stock declined by 9.1% to .0. The market value of their outstanding shares is at .6 million. AMC Enter Hldgs (NYSE:AMC) stock decreased by 8.64% to .29. The company's market cap stands at .5 billion. Motorsport Games (NASDAQ:MSGM) stock decreased by 8.05% to .57. The company's market cap stands at .0 million. This article was generated by Benzinga's automated content engine and reviewed by an editor.。




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时事|苏州吴江区有没有小巷爱情_四川阿坝壤塘县发生4.2级地震 暂未接到人员伤亡等情况报告

四川阿坝壤塘县发生4.2级地震 暂未接到人员伤亡等情况报告


四川阿坝壤塘县发生4.2级地震 暂未接到人员伤亡等情况报告

  中新社成都6月7日电 (单鹏)据中国地动台网测定,7日20时23分,四川省阿坝州壤塘县产生4.2级地动。截至发稿时、暂未接到人员伤亡和财富损掉环境陈述。   据悉、震中位于北纬32.12度,此次地动震源深度11千米,震中5千米规模内平均海拔约4200米,东经101.27度。本次地动周边5千米内的村落有卡木多、玛力塘、下那卡木多,20千米内无乡镇驻地散布,50千米内的乡镇有上壤塘乡、中壤塘镇、石里乡、日部乡、吾依乡、岗木达镇、尕多乡、南木达镇、二嘎里乡、蒲西乡。   据阿坝州防震减灾局地动监测台网中间动静。壤塘县城区有较着震感,震中距离壤塘县城区32.7千米,经向壤塘县有关乡镇和相干人员德律风领会。   中国地动台网速报目次显示、震中周边200千米内近5年来产生3级以上地动共41次,最年夜地动是2022年6月1日在四川雅安市芦山县产生的6.1级地动(距离本次震中251千米)。(完) 【编纂:胡寒笑】。


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