Mozilla/5.0(compatible;Baiduspider/2.0; 高端约炮账号(特别的英文名词)

浙江杭州发布2024年赛事计划 三大世界高水平赛事落户


“高端约炮账号(特别的英文名词)” 浙江杭州发布2024年赛事计划 三大世界高水平赛事落户

浙江杭州发布2024年赛事计划 三大世界高水平赛事落户


There are several special English terms for high-end casual dating accounts. These terms are commonly used in the online dating community.

One of the most popular terms is "Sugar Daddy" or "Sugar Baby." A Sugar Daddy is an older, wealthy man who provides financial assistance or gifts to a younger person, known as a Sugar Baby, in exchange for companionship or a romantic relationship. This type of relationship is often based on mutual benefits and arrangements.

Another term is "Casual Encounter," which refers to a brief, non-committed sexual encounter between two individuals. It usually involves no strings attached and is purely for physical pleasure.

Additionally, the term "Friends with Benefits" is used to describe a relationship where two individuals engage in casual sexual activity without the emotional commitment of a romantic relationship. They maintain a friendship while also enjoying the benefits of a physical relationship.

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鼎捷软件(300378.SZ)2023年度拟每10股派1.15元 5月30日除权除息

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