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英伟达超预期业绩提振超微电脑(SMCI.US)前景 美银重申“买入”评级


“深圳新明月论坛(臭名远扬@Table注解)” 英伟达超预期业绩提振超微电脑(SMCI.US)前景 美银重申“买入”评级

英伟达超预期业绩提振超微电脑(SMCI.US)前景 美银重申“买入”评级

转自:金融界本文源自:智通财经网智通财经APP得悉。在英伟达(NVDA.US)的超预期季度事迹和指引鞭策下,超微电脑(SMCI.US)股价在周四美股盘前上涨逾5%,这也促使了美国银行重申了对这家人工智能办事器公司的“买入”评级。阐发师Ruplu Bhattacharya在一份投资者陈述中写道:“我们认为、对人工智能相干加快计较的需求依然强劲,并且正在从云办事供给商扩大到消费者互联网公司、企业和主权人工智能,英伟达2025财年第一季度财报德律风会议的最年夜收成多是。”“在我们看来。超微电脑将从这一不竭增加的需求中受益,这些云办事供给商看到了强劲的需求,并正在全球扩大;在金融办事、药物发现和主动驾驶汽车等特定垂直范畴具有必然的企业实力,由于它与CoreWeave等二级(云办事供给商)连结着杰出的定位,同时供给有吸引力的性价比,今朝正在投资扩年夜发卖、营销和客户工程团队;而且正在与主权实体进行初期会商,以最年夜限度地提高硬件机能,这些实体正在寻觅可以或许定制其人工智能设置的合作火伴。”Bhattacharya暗示,超微电脑相对其他办事器公司的最年夜优势之一是它可以或许供给年夜范围的液体冷却。Bhattacharya注释称,今朝,只有1%的数据中间利用液冷——液冷剂(首要是水)接收并转移办事器电子组件的热量——但超微电脑的治理层暗示,这一比例将增加到20%,估计在将来12至18个月内。Bhattacharya弥补道。每个月应能出货2000个液冷机架,该公司总出货量为5000个,超微电脑在其第四财季有一笔“年夜额”液冷机架定单,到下一季度末。更多港股重磅资讯,抄底炒股先开户!智能定投、前提单、个股雷达……送给你>>,请加智通客服微信(ztcjkf) .app-kaihu-qr {text-align: center;padding: 20px 0;} .app-kaihu-qr span {font-size: 18px; line-height: 31px;display: block;} .app-kaihu-qr img {width: 170px;height: 170px;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 10px;} 股市回暖,下载智通财经app更多港股及海外理财资讯,请点击搜刮“智通财经”);欲插手智通港股投资群。

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Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”


“太原男人晚上去哪(太原夜晚文化探索)” Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”

Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives has revised the price target for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) from 0 to 5. The adjustment is to account for the anticipated iPhone 16 supercycle, driven by AI technology. This could potentially add to per share to the stock.What Happened: On Thursday, Ives took to X to announce the price target revision. He attributed the change to the expected surge in iPhone demand, driven by AI technology, within the Apple ecosystem. Ives also highlighted the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference as a pivotal moment for the company."Raising our Apple price target from 0 to 5 to reflect iPhone demand turning the corner into an AI driven iPhone 16 supercycle on the horizon. AI technology built into the Apple ecosystem adds to per share to the stock in our view," wrote Ives.Raising our Apple price target from 0 to 5 to reflect iPhone demand turning the corner into an AI driven iPhone 16 supercycle on the horizon. AI technology built into the Apple ecosystem adds to per share to the stock in our view. WWDC a key moment ahead for — Dan Ives (@DivesTech) May 23, 2024Why It Matters: This announcement comes in the wake of a series of events that have been shaping the narrative around Apple's future. Just a few days ago, Ives had already hinted at a potential turnaround for the tech giant, dubbing it a "Renaissance Of Growth." This was seen as a significant moment for the company, especially ahead of the WWDC.Moreover, Ives had previously pointed out that the "seeds" for Apple's revival in China were being planted, and that patience was required to navigate the temporary weakness. This was seen as a positive sign for the company's future, especially in light of the recent developments.Furthermore, the potential of AI in the tech industry has been a hot topic of discussion. A recent report suggested that AI on iOS could drive higher institutional ownership of Apple's iPhone, potentially leading to a 23.5% upside for the stock. This further underscores the significance of Ives' latest announcement.Meanwhile, Steve Eisman of "The Big Short" fame also highlighted Apple as a "hidden" play in the AI space, further adding to the growing interest in the company's AI potential.Price Action: Apple stock closed at 6.88, down 2.11% for the day, but remains up 0.67% year to date, according to the data from Benzinga Pro.Image Via Shutterstock This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote。




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