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“怎么找妹子美女(搞定心仪女生的10个必备技巧)” 花旗上调甘尼特(GCI.US)至持有评级,上调目标价至3.6美元


花旗阐发师Jason Bazinet上调$甘尼特 (GCI.US)$至持有评级,并将方针价从1.8美元上调至3.6美元。按照TipRanks数据显示,总平均回报率为6.3%,该阐发师近一年总胜率为59.3%。提醒:TipRanks为自力第三方,并计较阐发师保举的平均回报率和胜率,供给金融阐发师的阐发数据。供给的信息并不是投资建议、仅供参考。本文不合错误评级数据和陈述的完全性与正确性做出承认、声明或包管。TipRanks供给每位阐发师的星级、最高为5颗星,经由过程阐发师的总胜率和平均回报率综合计较得出,星星越多,阐发师星级代表阐发师所有保举的过往表示,则该阐发师过往表示越优良。阐发师总胜率为近一年阐发师的评级成功次数占总评级次数的比率。评级的成功与否,取决于TipRanks的虚拟投资组合是不是从该股票中发生正回报。总平均回报率为基于阐发师的初始评级建立虚拟投资组合,在近一年中该投资组合所取得的回报率,并按照评级转变对组合进行调剂。 .app-kaihu-qr {text-align: center;padding: 20px 0;} .app-kaihu-qr span {font-size: 18px; line-height: 31px;display: block;} .app-kaihu-qr img {width: 170px;height: 170px;display: block;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 10px;} 股市回暖,抄底炒股先开户!智能定投、前提单、个股雷达……送给你>>。





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财报电话会议摘要 | Agora (API.US) 2024 年第一季度财报会议


“孝义大学城具体位置(孝义大学城交通指南)” 财报电话会议摘要 | Agora (API.US) 2024 年第一季度财报会议

财报电话会议摘要 | Agora (API.US) 2024 年第一季度财报会议

The following is a summary of the Agora, Inc. (API) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:Financial Performance:Agora reported a Q1 revenue of .8 million, marking a 3% increase from the previous quarter due to the growth in use of live shopping and a 16% increase in active customers from the previous year.However, the company's Shengwang revenues decreased by 16% primarily due to a challenging regulatory environment and a 2% decrease in active customers year-over-year.Overall, the total revenue for Q1 came in at million, a drop of 8.4% from the previous quarter.The company holds cash equivalents of 0.8 million as of the end of Q1.For Q2, Agora expects its total revenues to fall between million and million.Business Progress:Despite operating obstacles, Agora successfully launched its new Adaptive Video Optimization technology, which enhances live video quality and user experience.The Adaptive Video Optimization technology, after being integrated into the Kumu application, resulted in a 30% increase in user engagement and session length.Agora has effectively engaged with Twilio customers following the sunset of Twilio's programmable video product.A shift in the interaction paradigm between humans and AI models was predicted by the company, which gives Agora an opportunity to become the critical infrastructure in the AI first future of human-computer interaction.Shengwang launched a new solution for live sports broadcasting to provide an alternative to traditional broadcasting methods.Development programs for start-ups and plans to increase market share and achieve profitability in 2024 are underway.More details: Agora IRTips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.。





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