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Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”


“乌鲁木齐品茶信息(乌鲁木齐特色茶品信息获取)” Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”

Wedbush分析师丹·艾夫斯表示,提高苹果目标股价以反映人工智能驱动的iPhone 16超级周期:“WWDC是未来的关键时刻”

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives has revised the price target for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) from 0 to 5. The adjustment is to account for the anticipated iPhone 16 supercycle, driven by AI technology. This could potentially add to per share to the stock.What Happened: On Thursday, Ives took to X to announce the price target revision. He attributed the change to the expected surge in iPhone demand, driven by AI technology, within the Apple ecosystem. Ives also highlighted the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference as a pivotal moment for the company."Raising our Apple price target from 0 to 5 to reflect iPhone demand turning the corner into an AI driven iPhone 16 supercycle on the horizon. AI technology built into the Apple ecosystem adds to per share to the stock in our view," wrote Ives.Raising our Apple price target from 0 to 5 to reflect iPhone demand turning the corner into an AI driven iPhone 16 supercycle on the horizon. AI technology built into the Apple ecosystem adds to per share to the stock in our view. WWDC a key moment ahead for — Dan Ives (@DivesTech) May 23, 2024Why It Matters: This announcement comes in the wake of a series of events that have been shaping the narrative around Apple's future. Just a few days ago, Ives had already hinted at a potential turnaround for the tech giant, dubbing it a "Renaissance Of Growth." This was seen as a significant moment for the company, especially ahead of the WWDC.Moreover, Ives had previously pointed out that the "seeds" for Apple's revival in China were being planted, and that patience was required to navigate the temporary weakness. This was seen as a positive sign for the company's future, especially in light of the recent developments.Furthermore, the potential of AI in the tech industry has been a hot topic of discussion. A recent report suggested that AI on iOS could drive higher institutional ownership of Apple's iPhone, potentially leading to a 23.5% upside for the stock. This further underscores the significance of Ives' latest announcement.Meanwhile, Steve Eisman of "The Big Short" fame also highlighted Apple as a "hidden" play in the AI space, further adding to the growing interest in the company's AI potential.Price Action: Apple stock closed at 6.88, down 2.11% for the day, but remains up 0.67% year to date, according to the data from Benzinga Pro.Image Via Shutterstock This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote。




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“手机怎么能搜到附近失足女(技巧分享)” 马斯克称未来人类将无需工作,人工智能提供一切


  特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克暗示、人工智能将来将会代替人类所有的工作,这未必是件坏事。  本地时候周四、马斯克在巴黎进行的VivaTech年夜会上谈到人工智能时说:“可能我们都不会有工作。”  马斯克称、将来的工作将是“可选的”。  他说:“假如你想做一份有点像快乐喜爱的工作、你可以做。但除此以外、AI和机械人将供给你想要的任何商品和办事。”  马斯克说、就需要有“遍及高收入”,而不是遍及根基收入,要实现这一假想。他说:“商品和办事不会欠缺。”  另外一方面。马斯克也直言不讳地表达了他对人工智能的耽忧。他称这项手艺是他最年夜的惧怕。他提到伊恩·班克斯(Ian Banks)的《文明》系列科幻小说是最实际的。也是“对将来人工智能的最好假想”。班克斯在这本书中以乌托邦式的虚构视角。描画了一个由进步前辈手艺运行的社会。  马斯克还提出了一个问题。人们若何找到糊口的意义,在一个没有工作的将来。  “真实的问题将是意义问题——假如电脑和机械人在任何工作上都比你做得好、“我确切认为人类在这方面可能依然有感化,你的糊口还成心义吗?”他说,由于我们可能会付与人工智能意义。”。




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